Transform your mind: the sun’s gravity


Gravity is nature’s embrace. All we have to do is feel it.

We are not only being pulled down towards the earth. There is a distant yet tremendously greater force influencing and choreographing our days: the sun, the orgasmic burning centre of our solar system.

It makes us rise in the morning, blazes above us during the day, lays us down to sleep at night. Life means surrendering to the rejuvenating gravity of the earth and the gravity of the distant sun, which creates the time structures in which we inhabit.

Then there is the gravity of the tide-turning moon, which pulls our mind upwards into dreams, fine tuning the grey matter of our minds, bringing new ideas and clarity, or simply reprocessing the old.

The planets dance their dance beside the earth. The perfect equation of existence. We need to stop fighting gravity and move with it. We need to stop thinking so much and embrace the here and now.

Gravity is a direct path to presence. Our modern minds are often afraid of it. Feeling gravity reminds us of how little control we actually have. In fighting gravity, we fight ourselves. We try to persuade ourselves that we are separate from nature and natural forces. But that is not the case.

Obsessed with image, we spend half our time staring into the two dimensional vortex of our screens. We have literally “lost touch”.

Sight is an incredible sense but it also creates an illusion of separateness. Everything is an object or individual, separated by a cold nothingness in between. By emphasising the superficial, the surface, the visual, we loose touch with the vital feelings and the interconnected webs of existence as a whole.

So let’s relieve the sense of sight, give our eyes a break and enter the world of touch and feeling. Stop fighting and feel and enjoy the gravitational dance of existence as it moves through us and everything as one.

Let go. Stop thinking, feel and act. The journey will remain unknown if all we do is look at it. We have to feel and jump to know.

We can dance through life if we let ourselves enter the present. This journey can begin by bringing attention to our body and allowing it to flow with gravity. Tension dissipates and gravity heals. All things come together within gravity. There is no separation. It’s everywhere, it’s us, we just have to remember it’s there.


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