Point and Click

Point and Click is a new experiment that combines generative visual artwork with pointillist aesthetics, in order to create a type of new media that resembles old paintings.  Taking inspiration from artists such as Georges Seurat and Vincent van Gogh, this work honours their contributions by applying their methods to art created through artificial programs.

This artwork is created in a three-step process.  In the first step, Tristan Onek’s AI Aesthete analyses text documents to create generative visual art.  In the second step, a GAN (generative adversarial network) creates another generative art image with a blurry ‘oil painting’ effect that is based upon the original generative artwork.  In the final step, an additional program modifies the art to add a pointillist effect with Matteo Ronchetti’s Python methods for pointillism.  Ultimately, this work seeks to be a sum of its parts including a variety of methods for using computers to generate new forms of art.

Tristan Onek

Tristan Onek is an algorithmic artist and computer science researcher.  His art and research both focus on themes of computational creativity.  His work has appeared with several publications and galleries, a full list of his works can be found at tristanonek.com.


Birds of Los Angeles


Ian Seed Surreal-Absurd Sampler