next S-s-startle

"Haiga [paintings] are typically painted by haiku poets (haijin), and often accompanied by a haiku poem."

Creating photo-haiga is a central part of my daily art practice: I find it both invigorating and meditative, an often odd, but for me, happy combination. I have found that my photo-haiga can bring some readers closer to the poems. And please note that sometimes I find the photos to match poems sitting in waiting. Also included in this sequence are visual poems and lyrics and prose sentences that I believe tie well together to help create a world of pandemics, both medical and social. I have merged all of the pieces into a longer narrative that tells a meta-story, but also presents a flow of images and words that magnify and transmit thoughts, feelings, and dream-traces.

next S-s-startle



dedicated to the first many hundreds thousands
in the first round of new pandemics & in the old

next   startle



If this is the
Quiet before
What is next
And where the
Sound of noises?


and within our extremely old pandemic of racism:
Malcolm X— then Detroit Red— & friend Shorty
used Red Devil lye to lay on Malcolm’s 1st conk  
and rinse it very well until the burning stopped
but even now Who did shoot Malcolm X dead?






n-xt S-s-st-rtl-


terrified choice



We keep waiting for the sky

For things to get better but we

We keep waiting for people to get  

They get worse and worse and fall a

We keep waiting for things to

But worse and worse the happenstance




we cannot tear
hear or see apart
the unmasked fall

leaves on chairs 

wide circles

last in-breath
will blow out

the winds round 
leaves on chairs 

human frames
fall hard down 

snugly sit
cannot rise 

from the chairs
late autumn 

leaves cover
all the chairs 

figure sits
in one chair 

bird eyes close

n-xt S-s-st-rtl-

Alan Bern

Retired children’s librarian Alan Bern’s poetry books: No no the saddest and Waterwalking in Berkeley, Fithian Press; greater distance and other poems, Lines & Faces, his broadside press with artist and printer Robert Woods, Alan’s poem “Boxae” was first runner-up for The Raw Art Review’s first Mirabai Prize for Poetry, 2020; he won a medal in 2019 from SouthWest Writers for a WWII story set in Italia; and he won the 2015 Littoral Press Poetry Prize.


Kim Hyesoon Surreal-Absurd Sampler

