Midsummer and Other visual poems

These five visual poems reflect on belonging and not belonging, on the unreliability of memory and perspective, and even language. Four Rue is a Mathews Corpus poem that uses words that are written the same and have different meanings in English and in French and Midsummer remembers a party in a war zone. St Catherine's recreates a walk in the rain through a part of Brussels with the same name, and Nekkerspoel a train journey to the coast. Arable like Planets works with the text and pages of Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native.

Nekkerspoel is a photographic collage; the other works are mixed media using textile, stitch, paper (kneaded and raw), acrylic paint and ink.

Arable Like planets

Four Rue



St Catherine’s

Laura Davis

Laura Davis has a particular interest in textile visual poetry. Her poems have appeared in Ink Sweat and Tears, Seen as Read, Live Canon Anthology 2020, 3:am magazine, Writers Kingston, the Book of Penteract and Harpy Hybrid Review. Her first collection Found & Lost came out in 2022. poetry.lauradavis.eu Insta lauradavis1709


The Elegy Season


Joyelle McSweeney Surreal-Absurd Sampler