A reminder from plants

They spoke as one entangled web, 
threading remains of an abandoned building. 
Their green veins had dismantled every wall but one.

She listened. Their lesson came through quiet observation:
Vitality has broken up the old, 
creating something new.

A living reminder,
silent opening of petals,
unfurling fragile leaves. 

With gentleness and strength, nature has shown what tearing down can mean.
The edifice was uniform, no brick could change its shape.
The pressure built up stone by stone.

The roof, though high, was disconnected from the breeze;
Forcibly removed from ground.

She marvelled on the plants.
No permission sought to grow.
No body formed to say which leaf could rise above the next.

Their only drive a will to live,
And with this drive, a gentle shroud of leaves,
The stones were broken up.



Cultural Slavery


Puneña No 2 for solo cello by Alberto Ginastera